Richard branson rule of success
Be creative by richard branson

As Architect : Design humility is the only response to a fast- changing and competitive design marketplace. The humble design understands that it need to re-earn attention, re-earn loyalty, and reconnect with its customer as if everyday is the first day.

Believe in what you do

As Architect : When you focus on delight the design to your customer you care about. you strip the masses of their power. It cannot see by their eye but they can feel it.

start small to experiment is the key

As Architect : Don’t be small because you can’t figure out how to get big. Consider being small because it might be better. Start from small experiment develop it to the mass impact design.

Be positive

As Architect : If you get asked the samequestion from your design customer , there’s probably a good reason. saying, “ I get asked that question all the time, “ show what you care in your customer. All the answer will let them know you are be positive problem solver. that’s the one that they looking for.

Get out of your comfort zone

As Architect : “It’s really uplifting just to get over that fear a little bit,” says Kesner, who works in the pre-press industry. “It’s a buzz, a real adrenaline rush. Everyone should give it a try.” even your design proposal the way of presentation why not try the new things, you will get the different result!! good luck