How to get high with natural drug

How to get high with natural drug

How to get high with natural drug?

If you have morning anxiety regularly for a period of time, your brain starts expecting it, even on days when you have no real worries, Glick says. You need to break the cycle by retraining yourself to not fear the mornings. Then, adopt morning habits that foster calmness and living in the present. Here’s how.

Get more sleep

Natural High tip1 : Sleep

1. Get more sleep. Brush up on your sleep hygiene. “Establish a bedtime routine, and stop looking at screens at least a half hour before bed, do a quick meditation or yoga before bed,” Glick suggests. “Good sleep is really important for biological functioning.”

start and enjoyable morning routine

Natural High tip2 :  Enjoyable routine

2. Start an enjoyable morning routine. That means not snoozing until the very last second and then leaving the house in a panicked frenzy. “Set your alarm for early enough to get up, have breakfast, maybe even read the paper for 5 minutes, so you can deliberately start the day with some calm and relaxation,”.

speaking of the snooze button

Natural High tip3 : Stop using snooze

3. Speaking of the snooze button—stop using it. You get 8 more minutes of sleep at the expense of confusing the hell out of your body clock. Get up when your alarm goes off.


Natural High tip 4 :  Meditation

4. Meditate. Glick suggests a breathing exercise like The 4-7-8 Breath, developed by Andrew Weil, M.D., but doing any simple breathing exercise in the morning will help focus and relax your mind and body and train you to focus on the present instead of the past or future. Monroe suggests using an app like Headspace or Calm—“make sure to put your phone in airplane mode so you don’t get interrupted,” he says.

use positive affirmation

Natural High tip 5 : Positive affirmation.

5. Use positive affirmations. “Say out loud, or to yourself, some positive affirmations such as, ‘I am focused on the present moment,’ or ‘I am happy and healthy,’” Monroe suggests. Positive affirmations are an insanely simple way to train yourself to be more positive and present. There’s a reason therapists recommend them—over time, they do work.

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How to quit or get fired

How to quit or get fired

How to quit or get fired.

Unless you're one of the lucky few, there have been days at work when you have fantasized about a new job, a new employer, or even a new career. As a practical matter, though, you can't move on until you leave your current job. So the question arises, "Is it better to quit or get fired?"

Here’s how to weigh the pros and cons of each, and do what’s right for you.

The benefit of being fired

The benefits of being fired. This ends your agony about whether to stay or go; the company has made a decision for you. Though it’s not required to offer you severance, you may be able to negotiate for a package that can help keep you afloat until you land something new or start your own business.

The downside of getting fired

The downside of getting fired. Even if you’ve been thinking about quitting, getting fired can be traumatic, especially if it’s never happened to you before. It's like getting dumped in a relationship, but you also lose your steady income. Suddenly, you're unemployed, with the stigma that entails. And as you interview for new jobs, you might need a credible answer to the question, "Why were you fired?"

the benefit of quitting

The benefits of quitting. Compared to getting fired, quitting sounds appealing for several reasons: you get an instant feeling of freedom; leave on your own terms; and might even be a hero or heroine at your own goodbye party. Colleagues may react with admiration and even atwinge of jealousy. Plus you get to act out your fantasy of marching into the boss's office and saying--either boldly or (preferably) more diplomatically--"Take this job and shove it!"

The downside of quitting

The downside of quitting. Obviously, there's no severance package. There's no avoiding that awkward conversation with your boss, either. And there's a good chance that quitting will end relationships; trying to leave on the best foot possible can add stress to your departure. (See "How to Quit Your Job Without Burning Your Bridges.")Once you've given notice, the weeks leading up to your exit can be awkward. Some people might accuse you of being on autopilot, even if you just feel freer to take risks or speak up because you're no longer worried about getting in trouble or being shot down for your ideas. Others may value your openness and authenticity.

When it's better to quit

When it's better to quit. Don't quit until you find another job, or are prepared to start your own business. Most people who choose to quit are far more confident than they should be and not ready for what lies ahead. Before you quit, set aside enough money that you and your family can live comfortably for at least six months.

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How to be a killer productivity

How to be a killer productivity

How to be effective like bill gate

You’ve just had an awesome long weekend. But whether you’ve been away on a short city break, stuffed yourself with Easter eggs, danced the night away at a wedding, or just binge-watched Netflix, getting out of bed on that dreaded Tuesday back is more difficult and draining than ever.

Your mind is still in holiday mode, and you're struggling to face the mountain of tasks that have built up since Thursday. You’re probably going to have one of those horrible days when you achieve very little, and end up more behind than ever. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here’s our six-step plan for being productive after a long weekend.

plan your day

1.Plan your day

The best way to ensure that your first day back at work isn’t a car crash is to plan out exactly what you want to achieve productivity.

It may sound boring, but methodically listing what needs to be done, when and in what order, is the best way to stop panicking about it all. If you just pile into your in-tray unthinkingly, the sheer volume of work will seem overwhelming. If you break it up into small, achievable tasks, though, it will seem much less intimidating and much more doable.

There are plenty of great apps out there to make to-do lists, such as Todoist and Wunderlist, or you can use the tried-and-tested method of putting pencil to paper. Either way, the very act of planning your day will help you make the mental transition from holiday mode to work mode much smoother and less painless.

stick to the plan

2. Stick to the plan

Having a plan for your day back to work is one thing. Sticking to it is another.

The temptation is to take longer and longer coffee breaks, where you tell colleagues all about your amazing long weekend. Then maybe go out for a long lunch-break, have that pint or glass of wine you’ve been dreaming of all morning. Then stumble back to your desk, and spend one or two hours “checking” Facebook and Twitter, followed by more coffee breaks, before reaching the point where it’s actually too late to achieve anything substantial before clocking off.

All it means, though, is you’ll be even further behind tomorrow morning. So you really need to find a way to stick to that plan.

That might involve setting timings against each task and sticking to them rigidly; promising yourself little rewards each time you complete a task; blasting music through your headphones to help you focus and signalling to colleagues you’re on “lockdown”; taking your laptop to an unused meeting room to ensure you’re not interrupted; playing a game with yourself where you aim to complete menial tasks against the clock... whatever works for you.

Soon, hopefully, the sense of achievement you’ll feel as you start ticking tasks off your list will become its own motivation.

formulate an email strategy

3. Formulate an email strategy

Even if you’re keen to start productive work the moment you hit your desk, there’s that overflowing email inbox standing in your way. But if answering every single email will take all day, how will you get anything else done?

It’s a problem that faces almost everyone returning from a long weekend, and the solutions are many and varied. But the main thing, again, is to have a strategy.

So you might, for example, devote the first 15 minutes of your day to “email triage”, where you skim through the list of senders and subject headings, and sort all your unanswered emails into ‘Urgent’, ‘Important’ and ‘This Can Wait’. Then once you’ve answered the urgent emails, alternate 30 minutes of design work with 30 minutes of email work throughout the day, to ensure that you don’t got bogged down in either.

That’s just one suggestion, of course; you need to find an approach that works best for you and your workflow. Then stick to it.

control your email

4. Control your Emails,Don't let them control you

However much you tell yourself you won't spend all day answering emails, it’s easy to get panicky about your contacts getting annoyed with you. After all, no one like to feel ignored, and you’d probably get narked in their shoes too.

answer email faster

5. Answer the email faster.

When you're back after a long weekend, you'll often answering a lot of emails with similar phrases (eg Thanks for your message and apologies for the lateness of my reply: I’ve just got back from a short break.)

If you’re wasting time by typing such sentences over and over again, you really need to start using an app to speed things up. For example, Auto Text Expander allows you to bring up a range of long phrases in your Gmail just by typing two or three letters of your choice. Try it, it’s great!

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Architect Ideal Vs. Reality

Architect Ideal Vs. Reality

architect reality client budget

#1 Client Budget

Most projects experience a budget crisis at one point or another. However, no self-respecting architect would ever shut down the project over a simple disagreement over the proper allocation of the clients finances. No. Architects do not let a small obstacle like money stand in the way of creativity. No. In fact, most of us would see this as a challenge. You have less money? No problem. Here’s what we’re going to d

Architect reality rush hour project

#2 Rush hour project

How to deal with rush hour isn’t a new question. But what is architect health condition?Take a break and reboot your creativity.

Architect reality sleep

#3 Architect sleep

Like many other aspects of life, sleep architecture alters with age. Have you ever held elderly people complain of difficulty sleeping? 

Architect reality salary

#4 Architect salary

Design Architects in the United States take home an average $59K per year. Total cash compensation to Design Architects ranges from $40K on the lower end to $101K on the higher end; the final number includes potential for approximately $10K each from bonuses and profit sharing in exceptional cases. The specific employer is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by career length and location.

Architect reality lifestyle

#5 Architect Lifestyle

Architects typically tend to think about architecture all the time, I know I do. Not just the big ‘A’ type of buildings or projects, but every little thing from everywhere I go. I go somewhere and start looking at materials, form, massing, lighting, etc.

Architect reality bedroom
Architect reality design project

#7 Architect design project

Despite architecture having to contain building sciences and technology, the final esoteric product does not have a definitively right or wrong answer. Because no two architects will ever come up with the exact same solution given an identical set of parameters, there is a liberating sense that you are here for the purpose of imparting your own personality on the project. We are expected to try new things, explore different materials, and incorporate emerging technologies into every project.

Architect reality Design deadline
Architect reality overtime work
Architect reality criticize time

#10 Architect criticize time

Unlike other professions, you graduate with a degree in architecture without having to know what type of design you are going to focus on. This is really great because when you graduate, you don’t know enough about the possibilities to know what you want to do. You can float between big and little firms, the role of project architect, designer, or management. You can work on building types from different market sectors like hospitality, residential, civic, retail, etc. and will still be an architect. Your degree will have a marketable value beyond the time of your immediate graduation.

Architect reality design meeting
Architect reality studio time
Architect reality design study

#13 Design study

You can be your own firm of one and still be a viable service provider on almost any size project. You can enter contests and win commissions for major projects by yourself – I can’t think of another vocation that can provide similar latitudes. I have also seen a team of 3 people design and prepare construction documents on a mall over 1,000,000 square feet.

Architect reality design critic
Architect reality time to work

#15 Time to work

As an architect, we are given certain project parameters that help guide the direction of our projects. We are then given the freedom to pursue the artistic embodiment of those parameters. 10 architects with the same client and the same project parameters will provide 10 different solutions. Every time.

Architect reality design revise
Architect reality got idea

#21 Design dealing

Architects are not artists – we have to address building technology and programming. There are constantly evolving materials and construction methods out there and we are required as a profession to address the demands of the public at large (building performance, energy consumption, incorporating recycled materials, etc.). Architects create new design concepts that push how modern day construction is executed. Architecture is one of the few professions that is never static.

Architect reality design night
Architect reality weekend design
Architect reality design dealing

Shit boss shit life

Shit boss shit life

How to get rid shit boss

You’re having a crappy day at work. Nothing particularly bad has happened: you just can’t manage to raise yourself up and get back in the swing of things.

Obviously if there’s a root, underlying cause to your disgruntled mood, then you need to deal with it. But sometimes there isn’t; it’s just that everything sucks and you’re just not in the right frame of mind to get creative.

So what can you do? In this post, we outline some practical strategies for boosting your mood and getting yourself back on track.

force smile

How to survive with Shit boss : 1 Force a smile

For the sake of convenience, we normally refer to body and mind as being separate entities. But in truth, they’re indelibly entwined, and affect each other in powerful ways. For example, the sheer physical act of smiling releases chemicals called endorphins that act as natural antidepressants... even if you're purposely faking it. It may seem silly but try it: it really does work.

Note, however, that a genuine smile (known as a Duchenne smile) uses a different set of muscles than a fake smile, and is therefore more effective in creating mood-enhancing chemicals. So if there’s a chance that a funny video or The Daily Mash will force you to crack a real grin, that’s an even better option.

desk yoga

How to survive with Shit boss : 2. Desk Yoga

The powerful effects your body can have on your mind are not limited to smiling: the link between exercise and positive mental health is well documented. And while few of us have an actual gym at work to help bend and stretch our troubles away, there is a halfway house in the form of desk yoga.

You’ll find seven yoga poses you can do in the office in this article. And while again you might feel a little silly, the benefits will be immediate and stress-relieving.


How to survive with Shit boss : 3. Stand up

Have you ever noticed how lethargic you feel during long, boring meetings held in bland, airless and featureless offices? Why not suggest that you spend the whole meeting standing up?

It might sound strange, but it’s a tried-and-tested way of ensuring that people taking part in meetings are more energised and reach decisions more quickly. Release your stress when you make a move environment will be better.

show appreciation for others

How to survive with Shit boss :4. Show Appreciation for others.

When was the last time a manager said "Well done" and paid you a compliment about some work you’d done? Sadly this rarely happens in an office environment, and it’s easy to feel under-appreciated and hard done by as a result.

But ask yourself this: are you guilt-free on this subject yourself? Is there a co-worker or subordinate in your workplace you should show your appreciation for? Because, actually, giving someone a slap on the back and congratulating them on a job well done will actually improve your own mood as well.

Crank out some music

How to survive with Shit boss : 5 Crank out some music.

If you’re allowed to play music through headphones at your office, then this can be a great way to blow away the cobwebs and put yourself in a better mood (as well as drowning background chatter and helping you focus on your work).

But of course, it has to be the right music; a doomy murder ballad by Nick Cave, however brilliant, is unlikely to do the trick. So cast away any thoughts of street cred, and dig out those cheesy ‘guilty pleasure’ tracks that can’t help put a smile on your face and get your toes tapping.

You know the ones we mean. And if you invest in some decent headphones, with minimal sound leakage, no one ever need know.

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